When & where I've worked


2022 Everactive

Principal product designer, Everactive

Designed software, contributed features, and performed user research to support green IoT technology that is helping save the planet, just a bit. Highlights:

  • Supported Steam Trap Monitoring (STM) for batteryless sensors, as well as internal SteamWatch and SteamAnalytics. Designs included everything from email notifications to dashboard, filtering, taxonomy, and table innovations.
  • Helped drive user research in the form of usability testing and user interviews. Conducted and reported on research with multiple companies. Helped developed consistent data capture in interviews to promote data-driven personas. Brought Google Analytics research to responsive design conversations.
  • As part of new design team, contributed to design wiki (including tagged blog for research results, new designs, etc.). Created highly usable and accessible UI and data viz color palette. Top contributor to design blog.


  • no design samples; NDA.


  • energy officer
  • executives
  • facility supervisors
  • machine maintenance manager
  • vibration analysts

2019–2021 Infor

Principal product designer, Infor Nexus

As one of two Nexus product designers, help drive usable, user-focused solutions for a highly complex global supply chain and logistics SaaS. Key contributions:

  • Designed features from scratch (e.g., transportation booking, mobile shipment scanning) as well as participate in new and existing feature development and upgrades.
  • Work closely with other designers (product and company level) and developers to lift consistency and usability throughout site. Proactively built relationships between Nexus design, development teams, and Infor Design (ID) team (for example, host and participate in weekly sync).
  • Evangelize design and developer collaboration best practices.
  • Evangelized and implemented formal, consistent user interviews and user testing.
  • As part of a matrix team, support multiple teams, manage multiple priorities, improved collaboration across departments, and am frequently turned to by executive management for team insights and reports.
  • Part of core team developing and launching (dis)Abled at Infor, an Infor business resource group.
  • Regular presence in Infor Friday Learning sessions. Lessons include: Color Usability and Accessibility; co-presented user research for a customer case study; How to Speak Designer, best practices on working with designers; Test, Listen, Learn, best practices on user testing with prototypes.



  • accountants
  • buyers
  • customer service reps
  • factory packers, shippers
  • logistics supervisors
  • plant supervisors
  • sellers
  • suppliers
  • transportation planners
  • treasurers
  • warehouse leads

Austin, some remote

2016–2019 UXtraordinary

UX consultant, instructor, leader

Consulting corporation created after leaving Dell. Clients include General Assembly (lead instructor, three UX Design Immersives) and start-up/tech agency Cocolevio (consulting Chief Design Officer).



  • banking executives
  • design students
  • developers
  • product owners
  • prospective students
  • restaurant guests
  • restaurant owners
  • shoe buyers
  • SMB owners

2019 Dell (season 2)

Sr. Principal Software Designer

Part of internal agency for Dell Services IT. Lead UX, Engagement Standardization project, Configuration Services, consolidating over a dozen complex apps into a simplified workflow while preserving detailed technical engineering requirements. Highlights:

  • UX, product, and service design contributions. Created detailed service blueprint to track multiple users within customer project journey. Provided flow, wires for complex use cases.
  • Worked closely with FinancialForce (FF) developers and POs for both FF and custom in-house SaaS. Learned Salesforce (Trailhead Expeditioner: 9 trails, 55 badges, 1 superbadge).
  • Conducted extensive user interviews and research. Scripted and conducted remote between-subjects usability testing for CS PM subjects in Americas, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific during their work hours. Performed analysis and readout (with some surprising results).
  • Invited by Dell Brand to present company-wide Blue Note on color usability in data visualization and the Dell brand palette. Accessibility ERG picked this up for EMEA conference. Also presented to design Community of Practice.

Project-based contract.


  • Samples in progress (removing NDA-relevant content)


  • administrators
  • project managers (PMs)
  • project support analysts (PSAs)

2013–2016 Dell (season 1)

Sr. UX architect, team lead

So much fun! Work included lead UX, Cloud Marketplace project; team lead, IT Innovations team; UX lead, sales performance analytics dashboard; UX lead, masthead and taxonomy; UX lead, Test & Target (A/B testing). Along the way I worked on a two-year global cultural research project and developed a data visualization guide and color-blind friendly color palette adopted by Dell Brand. Internal agency team.



  • app developers
  • CIOs
  • cloud engineers
  • entrepreneurs
  • Fortune 500 executives
  • IT administrators
  • mid-level business owners
  • parents, college students
  • sales makers
  • small business owners

2012 Kinnser Software

Sr. UX architect, acting product owner

One-stop UX shop for home healthcare software dot com Kinnser. I was the first, sole UX designer for multiple Scrum teams and one kanban team, as well as UX Product Owner for an offshore + local Scrum team. I provided SaaS design, prototyping, medical informatics,user research, usability testing, mobile, analytics. Mobile usage increased 17%→28% over six months.


  • nurses
  • administrators
  • billers
  • customer service representatives
  • small business owners

2011–2012 Hoover's Dun & Bradstreet

UX designer

Performed data visualization, ecommerce, SaaS, mobile and more in an internal agency environment. Worked closely with usability research, A/B testing marketing. Contract.

  • Profile feature redesign raised revenue 84%, form leads 33%.
  • Lead UX, DNBi data visualization/executive dashboard project. Worked closed with dev, usability.
  • Lead information architect, mobile app.


  • BI analysts
  • entrepreneurs
  • sales makers
  • small business owners
  • executives


2008–2011 Classmates

UX Manager, Product Owner

UX Manager; Scrum change management; Product Owner, featureand SEO Scrum teams; lead user research, SNA (social network analysis), A/B testing, BI analytics, UX strategy, taxonomy, user flow, use cases, wires, CSS.

  • Targeted UGX (user-generated experience) strategy. Increased 1→many user communication 181%, lifted 1→1 user-generated content 22%, and drove active user-generated content up 134%.
  • Conducted taxonomy audit to optimize site information design; developed road map strategy; conducted SNA (social network analysis); researched search personas.
  • Key profile refresh reduced bounce 55%, increased paid conversion 15%, lifted 1→1 user-generated content 22%.
  • Product Owner for feature and SEO global virtual Scrum teams; brought UX feature team velocity up 50% in 3 months.
  • Improved relationships with off-shore teams. Created change management UX strategy for waterfall→Scrum transformation


  • A working UX quotient
  • Increasing C2C content generation
  • Leading a global Scrum team


  • middle-aged nostalgic souls
  • military veterans
  • social network addicts


2006–2008 Texas Instruments

Experience architect, web content manager

Front-end development, wires, user research, taxonomy, content management, content strategy, global analytics team, testing, design, program management. Contract.

  • Developed user-centered content strategy refresh for RFID site. Taxonomy, UI, navigation refresh led to 122% click-through lift, 175% increase application views, and 29% increase product views.
  • “Singlehandedly saved the launch” of an online Endeca-run parametric search tool for RFID products. RFID engineers were unable to integrate disparate taxonomies and delayed notifying project team until a week before launch. I integrated 17 databases and spreadsheets into a single controlled vocabulary and taxonomy in less than two days, learned the data entry tool, and entered the data quickly enough to allow testing before launch.
  • Analytics skills and best practices led to inclusion in global actionable analytics board, representing web analytics.



  • engineers
  • government contractors
  • farmers
  • engineering students
  • executives