Q3 FY2016, All Business Units, Worldwide



Δ trend, WoW, worldwide

Actual   Plan   Delta


Δ trend, WoW, worldwide

Actual   Plan   Delta

North America, Revenue Drill-Down

Actual Revenue, NA Segments, Last 5 Quarters

NA Total  Canada CSES  Preferred Accounts 
US Federal  US Large Institution

Actual %, NA Segments, Last 5 Quarters

Canada CSES  Preferred Accounts 
US Federal  US Large Institution

North America, Q3 FY15

good status alert ≥ Plan poor status alert < Plan
Segment Actual Plan Delta Attainment
Canada CSES $756 $675 $81 112%
Preferred Accounts $1,417 $1,350 $67 105%
US Federal $756 $900 -$144 84%
US Large Institutions $1,795 $1,575 $220 114%
NA totals $4,724 $4,500 $224 105%

NA updates

An NA-related alert. These could cover the past quarter, past 30 days, or simply new since last visit.

An NA-related alert. These could cover the past quarter, past 30 days, or simply new since last visit.

An NA-related alert. These could cover the past quarter, past 30 days, or simply new since last visit.

An NA-related alert. These could cover the past quarter, past 30 days, or simply new since last visit.

An NA-related alert. These could cover the past quarter, past 30 days, or simply new since last visit.

No further updates.
good status alert ≥ Plan poor status alert < Plan
Market Revenue Margin
Actual Plan Delta Actual Plan Delta
AP 1,066 1,050 16 221 200 21
EMEA 1,250 1,500 -250 299 350 -51
LA 329 300 29 74 100 -26
NA 1,822 1,800 -91 461 500 -39
G500 842 750 92 135 130 5
Worldwide totals 5,309 5,400 -91 1,190 1,280 -90


ES Mix

FY16 Direct  FY15 Direct  FY16 Channel  FY15 Channel

ES Mix Change

Mix change data not available for Global 500 market.

FY16 Direct  FY16 Channel 

Market Q4TD FY15 Q4TD FY16 ES Mix Change
Direct Channel Direct Channel Direct Channel
AP 38% 62% 42% 58% 4% -4%
EMEA 42% 58% 36% 64% -6% 6%
LA 65% 35% 63% 37% -2% 2%
NA 68% 32% 62% 38% -6% 6%
G500 n.a. n.a. 56% 44% n.a. n.a.
Worldwide 57% 43% 51% 49% -6% 6%

Direct Attainment

Actual Revenue  Actual Margin
Revenue AttainmentMargin Attainment

Channel Attainment

Actual Revenue  Actual Margin
Revenue AttainmentMargin Attainment

Market Direct Channel
Actual Revenue (millions) Revenue Attainment % (Actual/ Forecast) Actual Margin (millions) Margin Attainment % (Actual/ Forecast) % Actual Margin Actual Revenue (millions) Revenue Attainment % (Actual/ Forecast) Actual Margin (millions) Margin Attainment % (Actual/ Forecast) % Actual Margin
G500 $433 80% $83 71% 19.2% $290 152% $47 127% 16.2%
AP $330 84% $74 84% 22.4% $680 92% $83 83 12.2%
EMEA $529 65% $111 62% 21.0% $772 111% $137 116% 17.7%
LA $137 64% $29 46% 21.2% $111 92% $19 74% 17.1%
NA $1,066 83% $311 81% 29.2% $592 88% $174 83% 29.4%
Worldwide $2,495 77% $608 73% 24.4% $2,445 102% $460 92% 18.8%

Pipeline Sufficiency

CS   PowerEdge   ES   Storage   Network

good status alert ≥100% fair status alert 95% - <100% poor status alert <95%
Market Client Solutions Enterprise Solutions PowerEdge Storage Network
AP 98% 111% 107% 89% 88%
EMEA 96% 108% 103% 91% 83%
LA 97% 83% 85% 74% 77%
NA 105% 88% 91% 89% 77%
G500 107% 92% 98% 99% 105%
Worldwide 101% 98% 97% 90% 85%
Trend, last six weeks and WoW.
Market CS WoW ES WoW

Sales Performance

No. PIP Eligible   No. Actual PIP   % Eligible PIP % Actual PIP  

*Marius Total = Asia Pacific, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin America, North America and Humphries

good status alert ≥ Plan poor status alert < Plan
Population No. Percent
Market All Sales PIP Eligible PIP Actual PIP Eligible % PIP Actual %
AP 2,655 319 20 12% 0.8%
EMEA 3,411 409 25 12% 0.7%
LA 1,066 128 7 12% 0.8%
NA 3,597 432 30 12% 0.8%
Humphries 3,288 329 11 10% 0.3%
Marius Total 14,017 1,616 92 12% 0.7%
Schmoock 2,211 243 24 11% 1.1%
Market PIP/Terms, L4Q % PIP/Terms, L4Q
AP 155 6%
EMEA 111 3%
LA 83 8%
NA 220 6%
Humphries 92 6%
Marius Total* 661 5%
Schmoock 211 10%

Share Gain

CQTD share gains and losses in basis points for units and revenue.

MS Server Revenue  MS Server Units  Client Units

good status alert Gain poor status alert Loss
Market Client Units MS Svr Units MS Svr Rev
AP -3 -7 -9
EMEA 10 -5 10
LA 12 6 25
NA -6 20 20
Worldwide -9 -5 15

Sales Hiring

Market Q4 Start Attrition New Hires Q4 Actual QTD Q4 Plan Delta
AP 2888 -45 111 2954 3150 -196
EMEA 2945 -51 92 2986 2900 86
LA 792 -7 29 814 500 314
NA/G500 3211 -32 74 3253 3400 -147
OEM 352 -2 11 361 400 -39
Worldwide 10,188 -137 317 10,368 10,350 18

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